Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pia asked ... how many Americans actually vote in the Presidential election?

Using data from the last twelve elections between 49%(1996) and 63%(1960) of the Voting Age Population (VAP) actually bother to vote. In the last election in 2004 over 56% of the VAP voted and elected, quite possibly the worst President in American history. It's time for a change.

Election -------Turnout ---------% Turnout of VAP
1960---------- 68,838,204 --------------63.06%
1964 ----------70,644,592 ---------------60.92%
1968 ----------73,199,998 ---------------60.83%
1972 -----------77,718,554 ----------------55.21%
1976 -----------81,555,789 ----------------53.55%
1980 -----------86,515,221 ----------------52.56%
1984 ----------92,652,680 -----------------53.11%
1988 -----------91,594,693 ----------------50.11%
1992 ----------104,405,155 ----------------55.09%
1996 -----------96,456,345 ----------------49.08%
2000 ---------105,586,274 -----------------51.31%
2004 ---------122,295,345 -----------------56.69%

In the 2008 election it is estimated that 136.6 million people voted, 64.1% of the VAP.

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